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Costuming Background

Kennedy gained her sewing skills from her grandmother, Jane, who taught her mother, Ann. Jane taught Kennedy since 2009 to 2018 and Ella, Kennedy's sister, also joined in 2013. She continued sewing in her own time once moving, but her passion for sewing would really spark again once getting involved in the Baylor Theatre Costume Shop. 

Kennedy has always had a fondness for reading books, which would spark an interest in writing. The winter of her 8th grade year she began to work on a book about dragons with her friends, but when that project ended at about 25 pages, she switched to writing fan fiction for awile. Similarly though, this didn't get past 4 chapters. 

In 2023, Kennedy was bouncing around the idea of playwriting, when one of her close friends expressed a similar interest. Bound together with their curiosity, and carpooling, these two attended a playwriting class where they began to develop their style and learn the skills and tools they'll need to form the basis of a play.

Kennedy has since written 5 10-minute plays, Kiss, Reindeer, Up the Steps, and Clutter, and is currently in the editing process of her first full length play Driving & Donuts. 

Journey to the Writing

Get to Know

Get to Know Kennedy

Kennedy was born and raised in Lafayette, Indiana learning how to ride a horse before walking. Horses have always been an important part of her life, and at the age of 16 were one of the major reasons for her family's move to San Diego. Upon moving, Kennedy got involved with a few extra curricular activities including cheerleading, track and field, and theatre.


Kennedy has been acting in her living room since she saw Pirates of the Carribean, as Jack Sparrow of course, but officially getting involved with theatre her junior year of high school.

While she didn't start acting until high school, Kennedy's passion for theatre began long before. Her parents would take her and her sibilings to see theatre, local companies, tour companies, anything and annywhere that had performances. Where her family would get a private one-woman performance of the show they had just seen on the drive home.

Kennedy's theatre passion has started to take on new forms such as costuming and playwriting. While she has written a couple 10-minute plays, she is currently working on her first long form play, Driving & Donuts.

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